Thursday, April 30, 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

My name is Powers Man. from northern region tamale. I'm the great chief. A down fall of a man is not the end of his/her life, trust me i won't fail you in God name, if you fail, never give up, F.A.I.L. means first attempt in learning. End is not the end, if fact E.N.D, means effort never dies. If you no as an answer, remember N.O Means next opportunity from the Powers Man. from ghana out here to help my brother's and sisters to solve their problems like,

Monday, April 6, 2020

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020

Dakkath Boa vena, Tikak lan unath boa vena mea Virus ekath ekka sellan karanna Epa. Miniya Pulussa damana eka thama sudusu. Mea virus eka mona vage hena gediyakdha kiyala, thavama kiyanna danne naha. Ath new terrible ekak nam kiva haka. Ketiyen kiyanavanam, Allah deviyatath boa viya haka. Ekai Saudi Arabiya visin Makkama vahala damme.